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  • Start Acting and Stop Hoping + Central Park Meetup

Start Acting and Stop Hoping + Central Park Meetup

Hi, impact-driven entrepreneur! 😊 What were you up to this weekend? I had some friends visit, and watching their eyes light up as they experienced new parts of NYC for the first time sparked an idea for an event...


🎬 Don’t Want It, Do It: How to stop wishing your interactions with people would change and instead start acting.

❓Questions to Bring Out Version 2: Create your ideal self.

📅 Walk, Talk, and Change the World: Meet Impact-Driven Entrepreneur Friends: A WeStand event in Central Park!

đŸ‘„ Program Updates: Week one takeaways!

🎬 Don’t Want It, Do It

Ever wanted to transform how you show up in social situations or tackle tough conversations? Here’s a nugget I picked up from a Leila Hormozi video: you don’t have to wait until you believe you can do something—you just need to dive in and start doing it. Your actions can lead to new thoughts and a new you!

Why did this hit me so hard? It showed me how changing my actions completely shifted how others treated me. Check out my identity journey:

Version 1:

  • Shy and easily embarrassed

  • Felt under-appreciated

  • Dodged awkward or tough talks

Version 2:

  • Confident and calm

  • Assertive

  • Communicates tough topics quickly and transparently

I realized that I don’t just want to be Version 2; I can be her by acting like her, even if my mind hasn’t fully caught up yet. By behaving like Version 2, I can transform my results and the way I experience life.

Change order = behavior first, then inner dialog second.

So, let’s put those Version 2 actions into play and see the magic happen!

❓Questions to Bring Out Version 2

Think about the social situations you keep replaying in your head, wishing you could hit “rewind.” Instead of wanting to change the past, let’s change the present and future interactions. Imagine the next version of yourself—the one you really want to be. Here are some questions to bring out this person:

  • What do I want to change about how I show up in social situations going forward as Version 2?

  • How does Version 2 interact with people during fun times?

  • How does Version 2 handle rough situations?

📅 Free Event on Sept. 15th—Walk, Talk, and Change the World: Meet Impact-Driven Entrepreneur Friends

Making like-minded friends in NYC can be tricky, so let’s change that! I’m hosting a walk-and-talk event just for impact-driven entrepreneurs like you.

​No sales pitches, no business deals—just real conversations. Share your passions, swap stories, and connect with others who care as much as you do :) We’ll break the ice, dive deep, and get a little exercise while we’re at it!

đŸ‘„ Future Programs

We just had our first meeting within the WeStand Zoom Group! I learned so much about your struggles around mentorship and what parts of the program have been helpful so far, so I will continue to lean into these areas and improve based on your advice :)

Get ready for some exciting partnerships and other opportunities in the works!

Please do something you enjoy this week,
Founder, WeStand
[email protected] 

P.S. What is WeStand today?

*Messaging updated weekly:

WeStand is a people skills accelerator for impact-driven entrepreneurs to skip costly setbacks, interrupt harmful patterns, and make time for the relationships that matter. The vision is two parts:

1. Impact-driven entrepreneur accountability groups focused on choosing and navigating four relationships: two professional (mentors and teammates) and two personal (friends and significant others). Speed up success with psychology tips and the support of like-minded friends—no need to learn the hard way. Apply here: https://westand.carrd.co/

2. Once our network is big enough, match with mentors, teammates, friends, and significant others! Everyone in the community will have learned healthy people skills. There's a higher likelihood of these relationships working out!

Why people skills?

  • 65% of startups fail due to people problems (HBS), like slacking or toxic teams, mishandling conflicts, and burnout from stretching too thinly. Personal issues like losing friends, isolating yourself from important people, and rocky romantic relationships can also lower the chances of business success. My 170+ interviews confirmed that entrepreneurs with better people skills were more successful and fulfilled.

Why impact-driven entrepreneurs?

  • We often have higher rates of burnout, people-pleasing, and obsession with our work, worsening people problems. I’m also sick of people not realizing their dreams of positively impacting the world.

Am I an impact-driven entrepreneur?

  • Are you on a mission to create something bigger than just a business? Something that goes beyond personal interests or money goals and makes the world a better place?

  • ​Does your work light up one of these areas? 🌍

    • ​Health

    • ​Environment

    • ​Education

    • ​Social Change

    • Cultural Change