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I Listened to You - Another Iteration of WeStand!

Hi there! I hope your weekend was fun and you found time to relax. Last night, I went to a Cuban restaurant alone on a solo date and danced to live music with strangers. That’s NYC for you!

This past week has brought so much change. With WeStand, there has been too much confusion around what a mission-driven or impact-driven founder is, so I’m deciding to go sector by sector. My next accelerator cohort is for those in the healthcare or wellness fields. 

Regardless, the tips in this newsletter still apply to founders who have missions to better serve people and the planet.  

Now here is how I would describe what I’m doing if I just met you at a networking event:

  • I’m building an accelerator for healthcare entrepreneurs. We have a very specific focus on building a system to reduce people-related stress and increase productivity. 


Tough Feedback from You = Wakeup Calls I’m Grateful For: The reason I dedicated this past week to a lot of changes.

🤝 WeStand Accelerator: New value prop and website!

⛔ Tough Feedback from You = Wakeup Calls I’m Grateful For

1. VCs and accelerators generally don’t pay for services for their founders, even if they’re valuable - it’s often through partnerships 

  • Founders pay so they have skin in the game and a commitment 

2. Issue with networking membership communities: relationship leakage - the platform doesn’t get their cut, people leave 

  • I’m doing an accelerator model with a fee 

3. Founders only really care about making more money most of the time, unless their pain is so bad they go to a mental health professional  

  • I’m focusing on less stress + more productivity = more money 

4. Founders look for a clear ROI for their time and I constantly get asked about the economic benefit 

  • I’m measuring interpersonal stress and productivity levels and making sure people get results. After keeping up with founders who have learned my system, there should be more hard numbers around their growth 

5. “Mission-driven” is way too vague and so is “people skills” - there’s no value add 

  • Not “mission-driven,” but sector by sector starting with healthcare —> and later education, climate, social change, etc. 

  • “People skills” —> “people-related stress” (right at the pain point most people can relate to)

6. Sometimes founders say they know how to run teams or make friends, they just don’t know where to find them 

  • Contradicts with the community relationship leakage issue, so I’m doing free in-person Luma events for now 

7. Founders are usually not interested in taking advice from someone who hasn’t “ridden the bike” 

  • I have “ridden the bike” this time, as I have used the system for the past 2 years that I help you guys build. I was looking to build something based on the theories I learned through Human and Organizational Development at Vanderbilt and my research, but I need to just offer the simple thing I already know clearly worked for me that multiple startup founder bosses have asked me for  

8. I’m unclear in explaining my business model

  • It’s 4 small group Zoom sessions for a fee 

9. My offer isn’t unique yet from other masterminds or executive coaches 

  • No one else teaches a plug-and-play system for healthcare founders’ interpersonal stress and productivity, especially not including romantic relationships

10. I need numbers behind my testimonials and clear results from my program to be able to claim a strong value prop 

  • In my last session, I will do a Zoom poll to get the numbers. I’ll have post-session calls to learn what worked and what didn’t to keep on improving!! Testimonials and numbers are coming your way 

🤝 A New Value Prop and Website—Book a 15-Min Call for Free Tips and an Accelerator Preview:

I’m here for you,
Founder, WeStand
[email protected] 

P.S. What is WeStand today?

*Messaging updated weekly:

WeStand is an accelerator for healthcare entrepreneurs focused on building a system to reduce people-related stress and increase productivity.

In four hour-long Zoom sessions with a small group, you'll learn a plug-and-play system for managing your relationships and tasks. You’ll get a lot more done than trying to juggle everything the old-fashioned way!