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Dating + My First Program!

Hi there! Happy Sunday—this weekend I’m visiting a friend and checking out Cape Cod for the first time. I hope you’ve had a great one yourself :) Let’s jump into relationships.

 🚩 Have you had trouble dating as a founder?

  • You don't have time for dates or to think about why past relationships didn't work

  • You can't find time to learn about healthy relationships

  • You're often disappointed with dates because you have different standards and goals

  • Networking events aren't for finding dates

  • You envy the time 9-5 workers spend with their partners

❤️ Founder dating tips: 

(Inspired by Marriage.com and organizational psychology learnings)

  • Time block date nights in your calendar

  • Schedule regular times for check-ins with your dates, even if just mornings and evenings

  • Discuss texting habits and how often you'd like to meet in person

  • Stay curious; ask questions and listen before assuming or getting defensive

  • Create a vision board and set goals for your ideal relationship, but stay open to changes

  • Consider dating someone with entrepreneurial ambitions—they understand your mindset, you can brainstorm and share resources together, and you can motivate each other to go further 

💡 A new idea for the future:

What if you could date people who already know healthy relationship principles while running a business? What do you think of a program that quickly teaches single founders these skills, and then connects you with a community of them? This would save time on self-reflection, learning, and searching.

How likely are you to join a paid program like this 1-10 (10 = for sure)? Email me a number at [email protected] 

☎️ Reminder! Free Zoom Event: WeStand Impact-Driven Founder "Friend Dating" & People Skills for Startup Success with Nashville's Top Executive Coach and ESG Professor, Leonora Williamson

Tuesday, July 23rd at 8 pm ET.

🎉🎉 Big news! Join my first program! I’ve got my first three paid customers :D WeStand is in business.

I'm helping impact-driven people build and maintain deep relationships while pursuing their entrepreneurial dreams. I’m organizing call groups to focus on the core four relationships we choose—significant others, friends, teammates, and mentors. My goal is to help entrepreneurs eliminate barriers that hold them back from these important connections, simplifying their lives and speeding up their progress. After 170+ interviews, I discovered that how entrepreneurs navigate conflicts, breakups, etc. greatly affects their businesses. Those with strong relationships are often the happiest and most successful. I’m developing this content with support from an executive coach and Vanderbilt professors.

I know time is critical for all of us, so we’ll meet only once every two weeks for eight weeks, one hour each, spotlighting one of the four relationship categories per meeting, jam-packed with all the info and discussions. There will be three groups of seven founders. Are you open to taking the next seat?

Also, I’m extending the half-off price—it’s $100 for the 4 meetings until July 20th. Email me if you have any questions!

Lastly, I’m SO grateful for your engagement. Our open rate is 79.6%! WeStand is an outstanding community already.

Cheers to your success,
Founder, WeStand
[email protected] 

P.S. What is WeStand?

WeStand helps impact-driven founders feel less stressed and lonely by improving their relationship skills to achieve greater startup success. I’m building impact-driven founder call groups focused on building and making time for the core 4 relationships we choose—significant others, friends, teammates, and mentors. The long-term vision is to build an AI tool for founders to shortcut the process of training out relationship weaknesses.

Why relationship skills?

  • After 170+ interviews and 11 conferences focused on learning from founders, I found that relationship skills were one of the biggest determinants of startup success. How founders handled conflicts, breakups, and growing apart from people made all the difference, and those with the strongest relationships were also the happiest. I want to help people build those relationships. 

Am I an impact-driven founder?

  • If your startup contributes to social, health, environmental, educational, and cultural breakthroughs, then yes! As long as you have a strong mission for the greater good in one of these 5 areas 🌎